Thursday 15 January 2009

We cannot go any further without giving our heartfelt thanks to my longest and trusted friend, Susan. Tom and I were lucky enough to get a last minute break away on 3 January knowing that we left Number 678 in capable hands. So, whilst all in the UK were experiencing/enjoying/hating/loving the deep freeze that engulfed the UK Tom and I were enjoying wonderful long walks over dry, warm hills to rest at the end of the walk with a cool beer (and oh such a small cool gin and tonic!!) The weather was brilliant but sadly we did get a miserable rainy last day. However, we flew back into Manchester on Sunday the weather had turned and the temperatures were back up here. Wonderful timing I'd say!!! Susan ensured that our regular guests enjoyed top class service and facilities and welcomed our new guests from Australia. She even made two guests welcome who had stayed to enjoy a cyling trip round Rossendale in the sleet and snow, brrrhhhh, she's a good un!! Thanks Sue, we are already busy planning our next jaunt away.

Our grandaughter is due in two weeks time so watch this space!!!!!!!!

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