Wednesday 28 January 2009

Innit: Urban Musical

And so to the highlight of our week:
The opening night of Innit: Urban Musical at The Lowry, Salford Quays. It really was an excellent production, thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyed it. Mickey Dacks managed to capture the street life of Salford with both wit and understanding. “High expectations in a low-life world”, well I’ll leave you to decide. Along with our family, who were all born and bred in Salford, we were totally captivated with “Stacey Stevens” played by Amy Hannam whose powerful yet when needed, gentle, voice totally captivated “Ashley”, the leading man, leading him from the low-life into a love life to start their journey into a happy life. Well done all the cast; the drunken ladies who transformed into corporate puppets and tough prison wardens, they were so talented and funny to watch; the street gang all with their own unique characters transforming into prison inmates before reverting back to the street gang; dead hard dad, Ricky Thomas and the very entertaining music shop owner. If you want entertaining with good fun, clever lyrics and a story to touch all with its final message then I urge you to go and see this production. WELL DONE AMY HANNAM ON YOUR FIRST PROFEESSIONAL PERFORMANCE!! We are all so very, very proud of you

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