Wednesday 28 January 2009

Walking in Rossendale

We've enjoyed a couple of lovely walks over the past couple of weeks. First of all we walked along the canal towpath from Todmorden through to Hebden Bridge. I was so sure that I had read somewhere that it was a three mile walk, three miles there and three miles back not so bad, eh?? We were fortunate to get bright sunshine and we were pleasantly surprised and the lovely landscape along the way. There are some lovely barges where both individuals and small communities of barge people have set up home. It's like another world along there and despite the lovely walk by the time we arrived in Hebden Bridge it did feel as though we'd walked a tad further than three miles. Not to worry, we enjoyed a couple of glasses of traditional ale before we set off on our walk back. Not sure where I read that it was three miles as it is actually 4.5 miles!! A brisk nine mile walk instead of the three we'd planned, more good than harm though!!
For those of you that would like to give it a go: it is a gentle easy walk, ideal if you have a pushchair and superb for cycling. Lots of interesting things along the way especially for children and there are parts of the towpath that actually double up as water overflows from the canal so if you go in sandals be prepared to get your toes wet. The paddling isn't obligatory though as there are raised walkways as an alternative.

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