Preparations have now been finalised for the Rural Rossendale 2013 Foodie Walking Festival.
Full details can be found here As one of our many fully trained walk leaders I look forward to seeing past and new walkers in October. We have walks to suit all abilities with a promise of great countryside, good company, a taste of local food and culminating in the feel great factor!
The Hog Hike 2012
The Black Pudding Plod 2012
Come along and join in the fun!
Number 678 vibrations to the energies of the numbers 6, 7 and 8. Number 6 resonates with devotion to home and family, the monetary and financial aspects of life, provision and providing and sacrifice. Number 7 adds its influences of spiritual awakening and enlightenment, inner-wisdom and inner-knowing and persistence of purpose. Number 8 brings its vibrations of manifesting wealth and prosperity, inner-strength, patience, giving and receiving and Karma - the Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect.
Angel Number 678 brings a message from the angels that your devotion to your spiritual practices has ensured that your material wants and needs will always be met, and your endeavours will reap both personal and financial rewards in your life.
The repeating Angel Number 678 is a message from the angels that you have learned how to balance your spiritual life with the monetary and physical world, and this will see an increase to the flow of material abundance in your life, as well as inner-peace and joy. With this increase to your prosperity, be mindful that the more you have, the more you have to share. Use your riches wisely.
The repeating numbers 678 may also be indicating ‘steps’ along your spiritual path.
Angel Number 678 brings a message from the angels that your devotion to your spiritual practices has ensured that your material wants and needs will always be met, and your endeavours will reap both personal and financial rewards in your life.
The repeating Angel Number 678 is a message from the angels that you have learned how to balance your spiritual life with the monetary and physical world, and this will see an increase to the flow of material abundance in your life, as well as inner-peace and joy. With this increase to your prosperity, be mindful that the more you have, the more you have to share. Use your riches wisely.
The repeating numbers 678 may also be indicating ‘steps’ along your spiritual path.
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