Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Number 678 Guest House - the blog continues

Number n678 nominated for Rossendale Business Awards

We are very touched and of course pleased to be nominated for a business award.  A big thank you to the person who nominated us.

From: Val Carder []
Sent: 30 September 2012 10:08
To: Number 678 Guesthouse
Subject: Congratulaions on being nominated for the Rossendale Business Awards 2012.




Number 678 guesthouse has been nominated for the Rossendale Business Awards 2012 in the category Tourism Award

The criteria are as follows:

The winner of this award will be a Rossendale-based business associated with the tourism and leisure sector that has, in the opinion of the judging panel, has made the most significant contribution to developing or responding to Rossendale's visitor economy in the last year (since September 2011). Nominees will be asked to demonstrate:

  • Improved business performance since September 2011

·         Visitor satisfaction through impeccable service delivery

Effective promotion and communications that showcase the business and Rossendale

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