Sunday, 13 February 2011

Number 678 Guest House - the blog continues
So long since I last posted............... So much has happened.
Not only did we find ourselves without a home last year but Tom developed real problems with his hip. He ended up having a hip replacement in November so we had ourselves a Christmas off whilst he recovered. In between working myself I tried so hard to keep the place going for him!!!! Yes, there were things I didn't do quite as well as he expected me to, ha ha. He may have had some difficulty with mobility but he didn't have any difficulty telling me what I'd done wrong!!!

Hopefully, 2011 will be somewhat more kind. Each week sees him walking better although he has ended up with one leg longer than the other!

We've also increased our family...... we now have chickens in the garden. My word, as well as their pellets they'll eat anything!!!! No more waste... it all goes to the chickens. In return, every day we have fresh eggs for our guests, you really can tell the difference.

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