Tuesday 10 April 2012

Spring has sprung

Number 678 Guest House - the blog continues
Another Easter passes us by, and this April Tom and I celebrate our 35th wedding anniversary. It's certainly been an eventful 35 years, so much so it's passed in a whirlwind! Work commitments mean that celebrations will be low key with a family evening down at the local Indian restaurant followed by dessert and champs at home!

Spring has sprung here in Rossendale with the swallows returning once again to make their nest. Our two back rooms give a perfect view of the nest with sweet scenes of parent swallows flying backwards and forwards.

Despite always having a couple of nests each year we haven't yet seen any duck eggs although our three faithful male ducks are becoming very protective and "homely". Maybe they know something we don't know and a clutch or two is expected!

The sly old fox got our chickens again, ggrrrrrr
Would we being cruel to get some more or should we accept this as nature??? Decisions, decisions.

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