Saturday 22 March 2008

Easter Weekend - read our guest feedback @

Another multicultural week for us, with guests from Iraq and Spain. In the short time we’ve been open we’ve had visitors from Kuwait, USA, Greece, Cyprus, Isle of Man, Isle of Scilly, and from the very north of the UK in Scotland to the very south in Newquay; all such interesting people.

Easter has crept up on this time, obviously because it is so early, and it hasn’t brought the promising spring weather with it; far from it, we’ve actually had snow! My six year old grandson asked if it was Christmas!!

Nevertheless, the cold weather hasn’t stopped us getting into the spirit of things and we joined in the bunny hunt at Rawtenstall market. The stall holders all joined in; some wearing their home made bonnets, some floating balloons and of course those stall holders who joined in by having Mrs Bunny’s hidden shopping held on their stall.

Rossendale is the only place that has an annual clog cobbing competition during the Easter bank holiday weekend, as usual it will be held at The Roebuck pub which is half way between No678 Guest House and Waterfoot. It’s definitely a quirky competition where an old clog is tossed with both hands from the front and over yer ‘ed. Obviously the clog thrown the furthest is the winner. It’s a good family day with lots of other activities too, the event normally gets a visit from the Mayor/ess so let’s see if this year sees them there too, I’ll let you know in next week’s blog.

The Hargreaves Arms in Lumb also have their annual mini beer festival, this year they have over 20 guest beers, and as you can imagine it’s usually a well attended event. We’ve directed a few of our guests up there and not had a bad word yet, ha ha I doubt very much there would be any bad words this weekend, though, lol.

Until next week……………….

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