Saturday, 13 September 2008

Again, it is a while since my last post, so much seems to be going on!

Just a few weeks ago we had a superb wedding party in, the groom’s family who ended up with a rather unusual wedding. Following a mix-up just the week before the wedding the couple found themselves without a venue for the wedding breakfast. A bit of a fuss and to do at the time but I think with hindsight all’s well that ends well, and they ended up having an excellent experience which all the guests were able to enjoy too. From Bacup Methodist Church, where the bride is the juvenile pastor, the wedding party then made their way to the East Lancashire Railway in Rawtenstall where a superb wedding feast was enjoyed aboard specially decorated coaches. How unique was that, then, eh??? The following day there were lots of smiles and friendly chatter, a wonderful day was had by all. We were given a piece of wedding cake and I must admit it was beautiful. We wish the happy couple all the very best for the future. The mother of the bride thinks she has it tough ensuring that the females are all as they should be but I tell you from experience, looking after a bunch of males; groom, bestman, father of the groom etc. can be so tiresome. Ha, ha it wasn't any different this time; mum was there doing last minute sewing on shirts, ensuring that the hired suits were collected, calming down men who believe me can sometimes outstress women(!!), and only when all the men are suited and booted can she dare put on her best bib and tucker to shine her pride at the church. Well done, mum, I thought you were marvellously calm especially when sorting out the suits etc. the following day.

Tom and I have just returned from a wonderful stay in Madrid. Out of all the European cities we have been to this just has to be the best. The metro was clean, quick, cheap and regular; the people were so laid back; the shops were fantastic (as Tom’s wallet found out!!); the food very good and our hotel was just great. Just what we need to rid ourselves from the damp summer.

Today I sit and ache following my 12 mile walk yesterday. In preparation for the Rural Rossendale walking festival three of us brave ladies set off to ensure that the 12 mile Soup Loop was free from nasty surprises. Actually, it is a wonderful walk with many interesting things to see along the way. The walk takes us partway along both the Rossendale Way and the Pennine Bridleway, the Irwell Sculpture Trail, through a farm shop, atop hills from where one can easily see Cribden Hill, Cowpe Valley, Scoutmoor Windfarm and a whole host of other interesting things to see. Our midway stop will be a Peersclough Farm where Chris will be fortifying us her home made soup. Whilst enjoying the soup and rest the walkers will be able to enjoy the company of Chris’ many horses who usually respond very well to a bit of attention and a gentle rub on their noses!

For those of you that will be joining us on the walking festival don’t forget to wear sturdy waterproof footwear, and I’d recommend gaitors.

That blasted mink has been back again. We chased it out of Cameron’s pond today but the cheeky little blighter came back to finish off the rest of the fish. No wonder it is such a good looking animal with such a sleek shiny coat after having cleared my three ponds of fish we’ve had for years.

Aren’t children wonderful? Today Cameron (6yr old grandson) and I went collecting caterpillars in the garden. He had great fun dressed as batman collecting up his creatures especially when I gave him a container to put them in. After encouraging his inquisitiveness how could I get cross when he decided to come and chat to me whilst I prepared dinner? I ended up with caterpillars crawling round my work surfaces whilst he giggled at the fun of it. Let’s just hope we’ve found them all!!

Well, no doubt the next few weeks are going to be as hectic as the last; so many things on the horizon. I’ll try to get lots of pics of the beautiful Rossendale countryside and points of interest along the way.